Captivating movie posters created for an environmental cause and Sundance-selected documentary exploring the link between the world's energy crisis and the deep ocean's fate.
The film, narrated and executive produced by Jason Momoa, "Deep Rising" takes you on an epic journey from the uncharted depths of our oceans to the future of green energy, showcasing the interconnectedness of these two realms.
This riveting film delves into geopolitical, corporate, and scientific intrigue, shedding light on the International Seabed Authority (ISA), a secretive United Nations entity overseeing a significant portion of the ocean floor. The ISA holds the power to approve large-scale metal extraction to meet electric battery technology demands, raising questions about alternative, sustainable energy solutions.
"Deep Rising" emphasizes the importance of the seabed as humanity's common heritage and urges us to make responsible decisions for future generations.